Wednesday, September 17, 2014

New Airport Security Procedures re Electronics

In July of this year the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) implemented new, stricter rules regarding electronics carried onto planes bound for the United States.
According to this article from the New York Times, published in July 2014, "Passengers will have to turn on the electronic devices while being screened by security personnel to prove that the devices are harmless, the T.S.A. said Sunday. The fear is that unresponsive phones have been hollowed out and filled with explosives"

In other words, it will be important to have ALL of your carry-on electronics (cell phones, laptops, IPads, etc.) easily accessible for the security check.  Please be sure to that your devices have sufficiently charged batteries because if you cannot turn it on when asked, you will either have to leave it behind or miss the flight.

Rome's Fiumicino airport is implementing the new procedures and travelers are reporting significant delays at security on Trip Advisor.  

The statement from the Secretary of Homeland Security, Jeh Johnson, can be seen on the Homeland Security web site here.

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